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Mediumship Readings

Annie is an evidential medium. This means she can communicate with loved ones in spirit and share specific details to validate it is really them. Information like occupation, personality traits and shared experiences can be a powerful and healing experience that proves the person you have lost is still here and aware of what's going on in your life.

Annie picks up these messages primarily through clairsentience (clear-feeling) and clairvoyance (clear-seeing) or seeing images and scenes in her mind. She also is strongly claircognizant (clear-knowing) which means having a strong knowing.

People in spirit see what you need and know what to say to help you heal. They may address feelings of guilt, grief and loss. They may talk about the love you shared and special times together. Or they may talk about something completely practical like a new job or home renovation and give you helpful advice. Sometimes you may need closure, sometimes just an affirmation of love.

Annie also can share messages given by your guides or helpers in spirit whose job is to guide and support you. These can happen spontaneously or be in response to questions you have. Your guides have been with you your entire life and know you intimately. They can give very straightforward and practical advice.

Many people find messages from those in spirit to be deeply validating and supportive. While no reading is going to solve your problems or make your grief vanish forever, Annie strives to bring through evidence that dispels doubt so that you connect to love again.

Please note that although Annie receives messages from those who have passed from the physical world, it is not guaranteed that she will make contact with the person you want to speak to. Those in the spirit world guide this process and not the medium. They know what you need to hear to bring you the most healing during a reading, but it may come through a different spirit than you expect.

You can prepare for the reading by talking to your loved ones you want to connect to before the reading and inviting them to come. It is especially helpful to do this before going to bed the night before the reading. This preparation helps increase the chances of connecting with those you wish to connect to.