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Healing Services

Annie has been practicing energy healing for 30 years. She works with your aura which is the energy field around your body, your energy channels within your body and your chakra system. Healing work removes blocks in the energy body. It is relaxing to receive and balances the flow of your energy.

Healing work helps with the process of changing deep-seated patterns that we may not even be consciously aware of. Many times these patterns are the result of painful and traumatic events that we've gone through.

When Annie does healing work, she receives very specific information about what situations in your life caused energy blocks to occur. Many times it is painful emotional experiences that get stored in the energy body. It is very common to experience corresponding physical problems in the same area where the energy body has blocks.

Annie can do healing work in person or remotely. She will remove the blocks she is seeing with your permission.

To further explain, chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Chakras look like spinning wheels when looked at clairvoyantly. The seven major chakras run along the spine from the base of the spine all the way to the top of your head. Each chakra regulates the flow of energy that runs through it. This energy carries information or intelligence.

For example, the first chakra at the base of the spine deals with physical survival information. The fifth chakra is at the throat area and deals with communication and creativity. If there is a block in any chakra, you will experience difficulty accessing the information that chakra regulates. So if there is a block in your fifth chakra, you may be experiencing creative blocks or difficulty communicating.

Energy healings are not a substitute for medical care. Annie does not do medical readings or make medical diagnoses. She makes no claims that energy healings will cure any physical disease you may have. You should always continue all medical treatment and medication.